Unrefined, Organic Carrot Seed Oil Health Benefits

Posted by Press Room at JamaicanOils on 29th Apr 2018

Unrefined, Organic Carrot Seed Oil Health Benefits

Some may say that Carrot seed essential oil hasn't necessarily been shown to provide much benefit but the exact opposite applies for pure and organic unrefined cold-pressed carrot seed oil. Derived from carrot seeds, this oily elixir offers a number of healthy benefits from head to toe. Here's a look at health benefits of pure and organic carrot seed oil.

  • Natural Antiseptic: Carrot seed oil is known for its ability to eliminate common types of bacteria and fungi such as salmonella, e coli and candida. It also kills a fungus known as Dermatophytes, a fungi that affects the hair, skin and nails.
  • Sun Protection: Believe it or not, carrot seed oil is a form of natural SPF when combined with other herbal ingredients. In fact, the seed oil derived from the purple carrot has shown to be most effective when it comes to protecting the skin from UV rays.
  • Disease Protection: Researchers have found that carrot seed oil is boasting full of antioxidants necessary for a healthy lifestyle. The polyphenols found in carrot seed oil have proven to guard organs from damage that leads to disease.
  • Healthy Skin & Hair: While carrot seed oil can be consumed orally, it can also be applied topically. Many beauty gurus swear by carrot seed oil, as it has the ability to replenish hydration and repair damage. Since this oil naturally promotes healing, it's particularly helpful for those suffering from boils, ulcers or severe acne.

Organic carrot seed oil has been used by holistic healers for decades. The thing to remember when looking for carrot seed oil is that they're not all the same. Carrot seed essential oil and carrot oil are completely different. Whereas carrot oil contains a hefty dose of vitamin A, carrot seed oil does not. And while carrot seed oil contains a range of antioxidants, the potency of carrot seed essential oil is nowhere near comparable.

You may get started today with adding Tropical Holistic's Unrefined, 100% Pure Organic Carrot Seed Oil 2oz to your beauty and health regimen.